“Hopefully Reddit believes in letting you decide for yourself whether or not you want to see unfiltered reality,” a moderator wrote. Prior to the ban, the video had been posted on R/WatchPeopleDie. The gunman’s 17-minute footage of the attack was initially uploaded to Facebook via a mobile app called LIVE4, which is designed to allow extreme sports enthusiasts to stream footage from.

"Any content containing links to the video stream are being removed in accordance with our site-wide policy," Reddit said in a statement.

Visitors to R/WatchPeopleDie and R/Gore received the message that the subs had been “banned from Reddit.” Reddit banned two of its channels on Friday in response to the shooting. Ma10:20 A gunman who killed 49 people in a terror attack on two mosques in Christchurch in New Zealand is believed to be an admirer of Balkan nationalists and historical figures. “People are going to start wondering why our legislative branch has been asleep at the wheel throughout the inception and massive growth of social media.” A witness in the Christchurch mosque shooting describes how he hid from the gunman and says there may be 50 to 60 people injured. “This feels like a watershed moment for social media, as citizens start applying pressure for companies to change the status quo,” he said.

The 1996 Communications Decency Act says in part that online platforms that host speech are not responsible or liable for the content of that speech, but Polgar thinks 2019 could be the year that section of the law gets tightened up. The gunman suspected of carrying out a mass shooting at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand has filmed the incident with a camera affixed to his head. In an attack broadcast live on Facebook, a lone gunman armed with semi-automatic weapons targeted Muslims attending prayers in two Christchurch mosques on March 15, killing 51 people and.